White Man Is As Grass
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Photography by Mel Schockner

Dimensions: 2/3 Life

24"H 16"W 14"D

Edition 75

Inspired by Chief Seattle's famous speech given during the treaty negotiation of 1854, and representative of the Indigenous People's deep suffering, humiliation and hopelessness as their native and sacred way of life, their land, and their dignity was stripped away and the imputation of a strange and foreign culture was imposed upon them, Chief Seattle refers to “that big Chief at Washington,” President Franklin Pierce and the devastating, devouring effect on the Native Americans by the innumerable white man and his belief they were destined by Divine Providence to overspread and possess the whole of the continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific saying, “His people are many. They are like the grass that covers vast prairies.”


White Man Is As Grass & Manifest Destiny

may be purchased individually or as a set.

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