Spirit Wolf Monument
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SpiritWolfMonument SpiritWolfatBrooksLake SpiritWolfMonument1
SpiritWolfTetons SpiritWolfatBrooksLake1

Dimensions: Life and 1/8

73"H 66"W 49"D

Edition 20


Also available in maquette size
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21"H 21"W 17"D

Edition 75

Spirit Wolf represents and honors the special relationship the Native Americans have with the wolf. Wolves have been revered by the Native Americans since the beginning. The wolf is admired not only for its strength and endurance, but the Native American also looks to the wolf for its social values, cunning skills, and perceived spiritual characteristics, wishing to implement these attributes in their own lives and within themselves as qualities essential to their own survival. The wolf is described by the Native American as being a ‘brother,’ an ‘ally,’ and ‘nature’s greatest teacher.’

In my depiction of this special relationship, I am portraying the unity between the Native American and the Wolf. All six senses are heightened. They are seeing the same thing. They are hearing the same thing. They are sensing the same thing. They are as one. The wolf’s body language is perfectly in sync, in ‘oneness of spirit’ with the Indian; hence the name, Spirit Wolf.

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